I came, I weighed, I danced!!!
8.5kg down - woot!!! So excited. Have enjoyed some cool exercise lately - almost 3 hour walk from Iluka to Mullaloo (with a stop for lunch - and an urgent toilet stop for my friend T on the way back) - burning over 1200 cals. A game of my favourite sport - basketball - that night too, took the next day off to rest my sore body!! Oh, and I've played two games of basketball now without breaking a bone - wahoo!! (that's a story for another day!)
I also tried out my first Punchfit class - was great, burned heaps of cals but Saturday morning clash with the kids' basketball games so it'll be a rare treat!
Well, I just wanted to see 8.5kg on my blog! My 10kg goal for the round is in my sights and I know I'll hit it in a week or two!!
I feel so great!
See ya soon!
Shan x
Dream it, Chase it!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Blogging Challenge
Hey again
Yep, published a post five mins ago but you know by now that this whole experience is pretty exciting and I don't wanna go just yet!
I have decided to join in the blogging challenge over at Shrinking Kath because it sounds like fun. She will post a challenge each week that is blog-related and I will do my best to meet the challenge! So her first challenge is "Introduce yourself". There are questions posed and we are to provide the answers, sooooo here goes!
1. Describe yourself in 25 words or less. You can get straight to the point - or bring your creativity into play.
I am a mother, a wife, a daughter, sister, aunty, teacher and friend. I am insanely busy but love my life.
2. What brings you to 12wbt? Getting fitter? Losing weight? (Gaining weight??) Are you first timer, a repeat offender??
I watched my friend Sarah Buck lose weight and talk about 12wbt... I didn't know what it was so googled it. I signed up for the next season but after three months of no work (and therefore, no pay) I didn't go ahead. Then, I saw Sarah again (we go to scrapbooking retreats) and she looked AWESOME! I congratulated her on her achievements and thought about her a lot. Then I noticed on facebook, she mentioned 12wbt and the rest - as they say - is history!
I am here to be the best me I can be. I need to lose between 20 and 30 kilos and have absolutely no doubt that I WILL do it. The work I have to do to get there doesn't even faze me! I am SO pumped!
3. Why do you blog??
It's just like keeping a diary! I love it, and don't even mind if noone reads it, it's just my way of jotting down my thoughts. I often think about my blog during the day. I am not even being a perfectionist about it which is cool, it doesn't matter if I don't add photos or if I have a typo or two. That's ok with me!
4. Who is your biggest inspiration in life and why (doesn't have to be weight loss)
I have so many. My Nan who lives in Heaven lived a life similar to mine. We both conquered living situations that were not the best to be in and then made a much better life for ourselves. If we had been schoolmates, I think we would have been best friends.
My parents are the most awesome influence on my life. They are so approachable and I can talk to them about anything. They are two of my biggest supporters, no matter what I choose to do with my life.
5. What things in life bring you the most joy?
My children. The everyday moments that fill my heart to bursting point. Luckily, I get these moments all the time and I remember to live in them and enjoy them fully.
6.What do you think your greatest challenge is going to be this round?
Continuing and maintaining the effort to be well organised and have the plans set so we can follow them. I am very busy and it's easy to do other things before the things I need to do for me. However, I'm not going to let this happen, I have promised myself!
7. What are you most excited about 12wbt?
The end result!
8. And what scares the pants off you?
The end result, haha!!
I lost 32 kgs going back a few years and put just over 20 back on... This time, it's for real and I shall make changes that become my new habits and lifestyle for the rest of my life.
9. Tell me - right now - today - how do you feel about exercise in no more than 10 words
I can do anything, I just have to get dressed.
10. Complete this sentence - in 12 weeks time - on the last day of 12wbt I am going to be feeling UNSTOPPABLE!
So there you have it! A little bit more about me. That was quite confronting to be honest, but I did it and I'm slowly realising - confronting or not - I CAN DO WHATEVER I SET MY MIND TO!
Just watch me!
Shan xx
Yep, published a post five mins ago but you know by now that this whole experience is pretty exciting and I don't wanna go just yet!
I have decided to join in the blogging challenge over at Shrinking Kath because it sounds like fun. She will post a challenge each week that is blog-related and I will do my best to meet the challenge! So her first challenge is "Introduce yourself". There are questions posed and we are to provide the answers, sooooo here goes!
1. Describe yourself in 25 words or less. You can get straight to the point - or bring your creativity into play.
I am a mother, a wife, a daughter, sister, aunty, teacher and friend. I am insanely busy but love my life.
2. What brings you to 12wbt? Getting fitter? Losing weight? (Gaining weight??) Are you first timer, a repeat offender??
I watched my friend Sarah Buck lose weight and talk about 12wbt... I didn't know what it was so googled it. I signed up for the next season but after three months of no work (and therefore, no pay) I didn't go ahead. Then, I saw Sarah again (we go to scrapbooking retreats) and she looked AWESOME! I congratulated her on her achievements and thought about her a lot. Then I noticed on facebook, she mentioned 12wbt and the rest - as they say - is history!
I am here to be the best me I can be. I need to lose between 20 and 30 kilos and have absolutely no doubt that I WILL do it. The work I have to do to get there doesn't even faze me! I am SO pumped!
3. Why do you blog??
It's just like keeping a diary! I love it, and don't even mind if noone reads it, it's just my way of jotting down my thoughts. I often think about my blog during the day. I am not even being a perfectionist about it which is cool, it doesn't matter if I don't add photos or if I have a typo or two. That's ok with me!
4. Who is your biggest inspiration in life and why (doesn't have to be weight loss)
I have so many. My Nan who lives in Heaven lived a life similar to mine. We both conquered living situations that were not the best to be in and then made a much better life for ourselves. If we had been schoolmates, I think we would have been best friends.
My parents are the most awesome influence on my life. They are so approachable and I can talk to them about anything. They are two of my biggest supporters, no matter what I choose to do with my life.
5. What things in life bring you the most joy?
My children. The everyday moments that fill my heart to bursting point. Luckily, I get these moments all the time and I remember to live in them and enjoy them fully.
6.What do you think your greatest challenge is going to be this round?
Continuing and maintaining the effort to be well organised and have the plans set so we can follow them. I am very busy and it's easy to do other things before the things I need to do for me. However, I'm not going to let this happen, I have promised myself!
7. What are you most excited about 12wbt?
The end result!
8. And what scares the pants off you?
The end result, haha!!
I lost 32 kgs going back a few years and put just over 20 back on... This time, it's for real and I shall make changes that become my new habits and lifestyle for the rest of my life.
9. Tell me - right now - today - how do you feel about exercise in no more than 10 words
I can do anything, I just have to get dressed.
10. Complete this sentence - in 12 weeks time - on the last day of 12wbt I am going to be feeling UNSTOPPABLE!
So there you have it! A little bit more about me. That was quite confronting to be honest, but I did it and I'm slowly realising - confronting or not - I CAN DO WHATEVER I SET MY MIND TO!
Just watch me!
Shan xx
5kg gone forever!
Hi all!
I was as excited as a kid at Christmas for Wednesday's weigh in. I jumped up in the morning, and got on the scales (after a wee of course, just as Mish reminds us!) and I lost another 1.7kg!! That brings my total to 5.4kg. I felt sooooo good! A small nagging voice in my mind told me that if I had just lost 200 more grams I would have been in a whole different 'decade' of numbers... BUT, I told that voice to shut it and it could just wait until next week and see me smash the numbers!
I was surprised, because I lost momentum with the exercise this week so had a fantastic result. This week has gone similarly with wonderful effort at the beginning of the week and then a lacklustre effort this weekend so far. But, I'm off to a group training session at the beach tomorrow. Thanks to the lovely ladies Perth Crew, I'm heading WAAAYYY out of my comfort zone and I'm gonna do this. Don't even mind getting up early on a Sunday morning!
I have just been writing up my menu plan for Week Three (already, can you believe that?) I had my plans all in place last week but didn't make it to the shop to do all of the shopping and so ended up not following the nutrition plan as I would have liked. Shall be working on that this week, for sure!
I haven't had anyone mention my weight loss yet (I've barely seen anyone though - it's happened so quick) but I've just started pulling my jeans up and down, rather than bothering with the button and zip. I have a large support network though, my hubby and five kids most of all! I fought with those five kilos for 18 months and they're never coming back now. Wahoooooo!
I am soooo excited by the opportunities that are on offer thanks to 12wbt! I have already met some lovely new friends and I just know that this is something I can do long term. I'm really wanting to go to the finale in Sydney in December too. Just not sure if the $$ will stretch that far, especially considering Christmas and our family holiday in January. But, I may just find a way - at the moment, I feel capable of ANYTHING I set my mind to!
Thanks for stopping by
Shan xx
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Week One - done and dusted!
Well, week one is finished! I have done my menu plan for week two and am set, ready to go. I lost momentum during week one and didn't exercise every day. But considering I did NO exercise last week, I think I did ok!
Have had so much fun, the meals have been absolutely gorgeous - the kids are loving it too! So one twelfth of the way, it feels like it's flown but I have loved every minute so far!
I endeavour to include some photos soon. Of different things, the meals, me, my family, whatever I feel like!!
Thanks for stopping by.
Shan xx
Have had so much fun, the meals have been absolutely gorgeous - the kids are loving it too! So one twelfth of the way, it feels like it's flown but I have loved every minute so far!
I endeavour to include some photos soon. Of different things, the meals, me, my family, whatever I feel like!!
Thanks for stopping by.
Shan xx
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Wow! Wow, honestly - wow!!!
I can't think of another word at the moment! Have been following the program since Monday (three full days in total...) I was really naughty right up until Sunday night, had lots of last 'tastes' of my favourite things over the weekend. Woke up Monday morning, pumped and ready to go.
Long story short - I weighed in today for Weigh In Wednesday and I had lost 3.7kg since Saturday! WTF? This is far too easy to be motivated for, Michelle makes it sooooooo easy. Anyway, must go have a shower now, just wanted to log in and celebrate.
Oh, and I've been mixing the exercise too. Went for an early morning walk/jog on Monday and took my Dad along to an Aqua class on Monday night. Did TTT DVD yesterday after work, followed by a 'fun run' with my girls to get the cals up. Tonight we headed for a family walk to the local supermarket to buy the groceries for next couple of days and topped it off with the cross trainer to get to that magic number.
Loving this whole experience. I already feel like a new me!!
See you next time - lighter and lovelier!
Shan xx
I can't think of another word at the moment! Have been following the program since Monday (three full days in total...) I was really naughty right up until Sunday night, had lots of last 'tastes' of my favourite things over the weekend. Woke up Monday morning, pumped and ready to go.
Long story short - I weighed in today for Weigh In Wednesday and I had lost 3.7kg since Saturday! WTF? This is far too easy to be motivated for, Michelle makes it sooooooo easy. Anyway, must go have a shower now, just wanted to log in and celebrate.
Oh, and I've been mixing the exercise too. Went for an early morning walk/jog on Monday and took my Dad along to an Aqua class on Monday night. Did TTT DVD yesterday after work, followed by a 'fun run' with my girls to get the cals up. Tonight we headed for a family walk to the local supermarket to buy the groceries for next couple of days and topped it off with the cross trainer to get to that magic number.
Loving this whole experience. I already feel like a new me!!
See you next time - lighter and lovelier!
Shan xx
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Fitness Test
Ok, well I was out of my comfort zone - but so what? I needed to do this. Off I went to Carine to do our fitness test. I knew noone and was very nervous. We had a Father's Day Breakfast re-do this morning as last week, we had an early game of basketball and our beautiful daughter's 18th celebrations the day and night before, so poor Brad got slightly overlooked.
Anyway, off I went and I did ok. I'm in the intermediate plan for exercise and that's exciting in itself.
Here's my results:
1km run: 6 mins, 55 secs
Wall sit: 1 min, 30 secs
Ab Level: 1
Pushups (knees): 21
Sit 'n' Reach: 0
So, there you have it - my "numbers". And I can't wait to see what I can do in four weeks. Program officially begins in the morning with banana smoothies for breakfast! I'm pumped and so are the kids!! My family has seriously gotta be one of the most supportive families IN THE WORLD!!
Oh, and I met some lovely ladies and new friends at the fitness test this morning - how cool is that?!?!
See you all when I'm lighter and lovelier. xxx
Anyway, off I went and I did ok. I'm in the intermediate plan for exercise and that's exciting in itself.
Here's my results:
1km run: 6 mins, 55 secs
Wall sit: 1 min, 30 secs
Ab Level: 1
Pushups (knees): 21
Sit 'n' Reach: 0
So, there you have it - my "numbers". And I can't wait to see what I can do in four weeks. Program officially begins in the morning with banana smoothies for breakfast! I'm pumped and so are the kids!! My family has seriously gotta be one of the most supportive families IN THE WORLD!!
Oh, and I met some lovely ladies and new friends at the fitness test this morning - how cool is that?!?!
See you all when I'm lighter and lovelier. xxx
Thursday, September 8, 2011
I declare the season... OPEN!
I know I just posted, but I don't want to log off - I want to share my excitement about the season being open!
I went through the exercise plan with a little trepidation! Michelle is SO thorough that she has links to each and every little exercise so we can be sure we're doing it properly. I printed out some gym timetables for my local gym so I'll mix it up this week, but I will do it! I need Plan B too because as a relief teacher, I never really know if I'm working until after about 9am... I sometimes get calls from teachers who have gone in to work and then can't face the day. So I'll plan for AM exercise, but have a Plan B for each day too. That way - I have NO excuses!
The nutrition plan is fantastic. I had no real idea what to expect so now that I have read through everything, I'm even more excited. Michelle's general plan has approx 900 calories which leaves 300ish for snacks during the day. That'll be cool for those times when I need a pick me up, or recess time at school...
I printed Michelle's lists of snacks too - Preferred, Suitable and Low Carb / Accelerator Day Snacks. This, along with my menu plan, went on my pantry door. This way, I can choose a snack before I even open my pantry. Not that there's much in there to tempt me at the moment!
Shan x
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