Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Week Five Weigh In!

I came, I weighed, I danced!!!

8.5kg down - woot!!! So excited.  Have enjoyed some cool exercise lately - almost 3 hour walk from Iluka to Mullaloo (with a stop for lunch - and an urgent toilet stop for my friend T on the way back) - burning over 1200 cals.  A game of my favourite sport - basketball - that night too, took the next day off to rest my sore body!! Oh, and I've played two games of basketball now without breaking a bone - wahoo!! (that's a story for another day!)

I also tried out my first Punchfit class - was great, burned heaps of cals but Saturday morning clash with the kids' basketball games so it'll be a rare treat! 

Well, I just wanted to see 8.5kg on my blog!  My 10kg goal for the round is in my sights and I know I'll hit it in a week or two!! 

I feel so great!

See ya soon! 
Shan x